Victoria Beckham flouts Instagram nudity rule posting topless video

Enterprise News and Pictures 18/9/20 Pic shows: Victoria Beckham has broken Instagram nudity rules today after posting this video showing a topless model from the waist up. Followers remarked that the post broke the social network's regulation of what you are allowed to post and that as a result it would be taken down. Posh shared the video showing a female wearing a sheer top who is naked from the waist up and wearing a gold chain and large gold ring to promote her 2021 fashion range, captioning the video: "21.09.20 • #VBSS21 • 2.45pm BST." Instagrammer sevak_nahapetian commented: "Is this allowed on Instagram?" and janfox21 asked whether the nudity was "appropriate". However the post had racked up almost half a million views within the first hour. NOTE: Enterprise News and Pictures has pixellated the nipples from the original video in this version of the post. See story...

Victoria Beckham broke Instagram nudity rules today after posting this video showing a topless model from the waist up. Followers remarked that the post broke the social network’s regulation of what you are allowed to post and that as a result it would be taken down.

Posh shared the video showing a female wearing a sheer top who is naked from the waist up and wearing a gold chain and large gold ring to promote her 2021 fashion range, captioning the video: “21.09.20 • #VBSS21 • 2.45pm BST.”

Instagrammer sevak_nahapetian commented: “Is this allowed on Instagram?” and janfox21 asked whether the nudity was “appropriate”.

However the post had racked up almost half a million views within the first hour.

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