Mark Brown who disguised himself as a woman to sexually attack...
Mark Brown, 31, who disguised himself as a woman in a silver wig and short skirt to launch a sex attack on a teenage...
Zephaniah McLeod, 27, appears in court for Birmingham murder and seven...
Zephaniah McLeod, 27, of Nately Grove, Selly Oak, Birmingham, has appeared in court charged with murder and seven counts of attempted murder after a...
Man aged 27 arrested for Birmingham City Centre murder and attempted...
A 27-year-old man has been arrested for murder and attempted murder after one person died and seven others were injured in stabbings across Birmingham...
New CCTV of man police want to quiz over arson attack...
Images show him filing can with £20 worth of petrol at nearby Shell garage an hour before the attack
Swedish high school killer Anton Lundin Pettersson
Pettersson, 21, dressed as a samurai assassin in a darth vader style outfit for his murder spree
Clubber Keenan Samuelson jailed for nine-and-a-half years for biting half man’s...
Horrific attack caught on CCTV as thug bites man's cheek off after dance floor row
Evil dad jailed for 16 years for acid attack on his...
Father recruits five men to maim his son to get back at mum in custody battle - all jailed for conspiracy
Cyclist in ‘critical condition’ after another rider kicks him off his...
"Cycle rage" victim fighting for life after hitting parked car in Hackney, east London