Serial killer copycats Nathan Maynard-Ellis and his boyfriend David Leesley guilty of ‘flat of horrors’ murder

Enterprise News and Pictures 9/11/20 Pic shows: Police body cam footage showing the arrest of horror and serial killer fan Nathan Maynard-Ellis, 25, (left) and his boyfriend David Leesley, 30, (right) as they are stopped walking down the street after they were recognised by a member of the public from previously released CCTV. Nathan Maynard-Ellis was found guilty today along with his boyfriend David Leesley, 30, of murdering Julia Rawson, 42, from Dudley, West Midlands, who was bludgeoned to death with a rolling pin and then chopped up and her body parts dumped in bin bags. They murdered her at their flat in Tipton, near Dudley, in May 2019. Nathan Maynard-Ellis is pictured here in a pub with his dad the day after he carried out the murder. The pair used hacksaws to cut her body up into 12 pieces which they stuffed into black bin bags. They then dumped the body parts in two different locations and burnt her blood-stained clothes in a desperate bid to cover their crimes. Jurors heard the apartment in Tipton was dubbed the 'flat of horrors'. Maynard-Ellis and Leesley were found guilty of murder, concealment, destruction or disposal of a body and perverting the course of justice at Coventry Crown Court. Maynard-Ellis was also found guilty of rape, attempted rape and threats to kill against another woman. Both men were remanded into custody and will be sentenced at a date yet to be fixed. See story...

Horror and serial killer obsessed Nathan Maynard-Ellis, 25, and his boyfriend David Leesley, 30, ended up murdering their victim Julia Rawson because she stumbled into the wrong place at the wrong time.

Jurors at Coventry Crown Court heard how Julie, 42, from Dudley in the West Midlands, had spent the evening on May 11 2019 with her ex-girlfriend but then caught the wrong bus home so she chose to go in the Bottle And Cork pub in Dudley.

Victim Julia Rawson

That was her big mistake because Nathan Maynard-Ellis was on the prowl for a victim and walked into the pub where Julie ended up chatting to him not realising he was gay and had a history of violent and ghoulish sexual fantasies. Although a lesbian she could flirt with men when drunk and did just that.

CCTV of Nathan Maynard-Ellis walking into and meeting his murder victim, Julia Rawson in the Bottle and Cork pub on May 11 2019

The moment killers Nathan Maynard-Ellis and his boyfriend David Leesley are arrested on the street

She decided to go back to his flat with him in a taxi where he had hoarded a stockpile of newspaper clippings about serial killers and a collection of horror films and creepy dolls and figurines, including one Chucky doll holding a knife, skulls and terrifying home made masks and stuffed creatures and snakes.

Book collection on serial killers found by police at the flat of serial killer fan Nathan Maynard-Ellis

Work bench full of murder tools and dolls heads, drills, a hammer and an axe, found by police at the flat of serial killer fan Nathan Maynard-Ellis

Barrister Karim Khalil, QC, said: “Julia could not have known that she was about to enter a ‘flat of horrors’ – but she must have realised this very soon after she went in”.

David Leesley, 30, who was found guilty of murder

“It’s unlikely that Julia would have known that Nathan Maynard-Ellis was a homosexual. She would also not have known that his boyfriend was in the flat”.

A Chucky doll holding a knife, a book collection of creepy novels and books about serial killers and other horror memorabilia including a skull and killer doll found by police at the flat 

Julia Rawson was then bludgeoned to death with a rolling pin and then chopped up in a bath and her body parts dumped in bin bags. The pair used hacksaws to cut her body up into 12 pieces. Her body parts were dumped in two different locations and her blood-stained clothes burnt in a desperate bid to cover up the gruesome murder. They were caught on CCTV the day after the killing strolling along a nearby canal where they dumped the body bags in undergrowth.

CCTV of Nathan Maynard-Ellis getting rid of a bloodstained sofa and carpet at the dump after killing victim Julia Rawson

Jurors saw CCTV of Maynard-Ellis later casually going to the pub for a pint with his dad as if all was well as Julia’s family contacted police to report her missing, sparking a frantic search.

CCTV of Nathan Maynard-Ellis in the pub with his dad after the murder

Seven weeks later most of her body parts were found behind Sacred Heart Primary School in Tipton and the rest a mile away on wasteland. Her body had been decapitated, her arms hacked off below the shoulders, her spine severed at the waist, her hands and feet chopped off along with her legs at the hip.

CCTV of Nathan Maynard-Ellis and David Leesley strolling along a nearby canal where they dumped the chopped up body parts of Julia Rawson

Nathan Maynard-Ellis was found guilty yesterday along with David Leesley, 30, of murdering Julia Rawson in his Tipton ‘flat of horrors’. They were also found guilty of concealment, destruction or disposal of a body and perverting the course of justice. Maynard-Ellis was also found guilty of rape, attempted rape and threats to kill against another woman. Both men were remanded into custody and will be sentenced at a date yet to be fixed.

Julia Rawson

Police bodycam footage which was shown in court was released after the verdict showing them being caught as they casually walked down the street after being recognised by a member of the public from CCTV. An officer says to Maynard-Ellis: “We’re looking for a woman who has been missing for about 11 days. We’ve checked CCTV and she is with someone who matches your description.” He was then arrested with Leesley.

Police body cam footage showing their arrest

Juli’a’s family said last night: “Her death has had a devastating impact on us, the mutilation of her body and the callous way in which her remains were scattered has revolted us. We can only pray Julia knew nothing about these abhorrent acts.

 Bin used to burn the clothes of the victim (seen here in the bottom of the bin)

Victim’s blood stain found under the carpet by police at Nathan Maynard-Ellis’ flat 

“We are a close and loving family, clinging to each other in an attempt to support each other through this harrowing ordeal, but shall remain deeply affected and troubled by these events for the rest of our lives because Julia’s loss is felt as keenly today as when we heard she had first gone missing.”

Nathan Maynard-Ellis walking into the Bottle and Cork pub where he met victim Julia Rawson

She was described as “easy-going and quick to make friends with anyone she met. A talented artist and musician, with the ability to play by ear. Her drawings were shown at local art shows.”

CCTV showing the fatal approach made by victim Julia Rawson to chat to killer Nathan Maynard-Ellis in the Bottle and Cork pub 

West Midlands Homicide Detective Inspector Jim Colclough said: “This is simply a tragic case. The actions of Maynard-Ellis and Leesley are incomprehensible. Julia did nothing wrong that evening. The way in which she was murdered and treated in death are despicable.

Julia Rawson

“Fortunately depraved crimes like this are rare, but their actions were sickening and it’s been a complex and emotionally difficult case for us as officers to investigate. However we were determined to seek justice for Julia and I hope their guilty verdicts provide some solace for her loved ones. My thoughts remain with them at this difficult time.”

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