Wilma McCann, 28, from Scott Hall in Leeds, a mother-of-four, the first of the 13 women murdered by Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe, who died this morning in hospital after contracting coronavirus and refusing any treatment. McCann died after being attacked by Sutcliffe on October 30 1975. He hit her twice with a hammer and stabbed her 15 times in the neck, chest and abdomen.

Patricia Atkinson, 32, from Bradford, who Peter Sutcliffe murdered her in her own flat, beating her to death with a hammer.
Yvonne Pearson, 21, from Bradford. Sutcliffe struck Yvonne Pearson over the head a number of times with a ball-peen hammer and then jumped on her chest before stuffing horse-hair from a sofa into her mouth. She was murdered on January 21 1978 but her body was not found until March 26 that year.

Vera Millward, 40, who was murdered by the Yorkshire Ripper on May 16 1978 after she left home telling her boyfriend she was going out to to get cigarettes.
Marguerite Walls, 47, a civil servant, who was murdered by the Yorkshire Ripper on August 20 1980. Her body was found in the garden of a house in Farsley, Leeds.

Josephine Whitaker, 19, a building society clerk. Sutcliffe attacked her on Savile Park Moor in Halifax as she walked home after visiting her grandparents.

Jean Jordan, a sex worker from Manchester, who Sutcliffe killed on October 1 1977.

Jayne McDonald, 16, the youngest of Sutcliffe’s victims. He killed her as she walked home after missing her last bus on June 26 1977 in Chapeltown.

Irene Richardson, 28, who Sutcliffe bludgeoned to death with a hammer on February 5 1977.

Helen Rytka, 18, a prostitute from Huddersfield. He struck her over the head a number of times as she got out of his car and then stripped most of her clothes from her body and stabbed her repeatedly in the chest. Her body was found three days later beneath railway arches in Garrards timber yard in February 1978.

Emily Jackson, 42, a part-time prostitute, who was hit with a hammer and then stabbed 52 times with a sharpened screwdriver in Leeds in January 1976.

Barbara Leach, 20, A Bradford University student, who was killed on September 1, 1979, as she walked home from a pub. Her body was found dumped under a pile of bricks close to her university lodgings.

Jacqueline Hill, 20, a student at Leeds University, the last victim of 13 women murdered by Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe. He murdered her on the evening of November 17, 1980 and her body was found on wasteland near the Arndale Centre.
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