Prince William tweeted this photo this morning of him receiving his first Covid-19 jab.
The Duke of Cambridge, 38, who actually caught the virus last year, tweeted: “On Tuesday I received my first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
“To all those working on the vaccine rollout – thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do.”
Kensington Palace revealed the prince received his jab, which was administered by a member of NHS staff, at the Science Museum, near to his place of residence.
Prince William did not reveal which vaccine he received but he will have been eligible for the Pfizer or the AstraZeneca as he is under the age of 40. Most adults under the age of 40 were to be offered an alternative to the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine due to a link with rare blood clots but new research indicates that that vaccine is highly effective against the Indian variant of COVID-19, otherwise known as B.1.617.
The B.1.617 variant has been spreading in the UK, so the government is considering expanding the AstraZeneca rollout in response.
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