Plymouth gunman Jake Davison, 23 who murdered five people described himself as a ‘fat virgin’ who had given up on life

Enterprise News and Pictures 13/8/21 Pic shows: Jake Davison, 23, who has been identified by locals as the gunman who murdered five people before shooting himself dead in Plymouth yesterday. His is shown here in a video he posted on his Youtube channel just three weeks ago where he says "maybe it's just depression, maybe I'm going through some health issues" but "as an adult" he's lost his "optimism for life." "There's something special about being young. I don't know what it is? - you have that drive and optimism for life and as an adult you don't have that - Love as an adult, what is that?" he says. Davison is an apprentice crane operator who is reported to have kicked down the door of a house in Biddick Drive and starting shooting at people inside, which included a member of his family. One witness said she heard he had shot his brother. Armed with a shotgun or (long-barreled gun) and dressed in black and grey clothing he then left the property and began shooting at strangers as he walked along the cul-de-sac before killing another person in Henderson Place. He continued his rampage entering a nearby park where he opened fire on two dog walkers. Police said the shootings were not terror related. Davison is a keen bodybuilder, who on his Facebook page states he works at Babcock International, a British aerospace, defence and nuclear engineering services company based in London. He also states he is single, lives in Plymouth and comes from Phoenix, Arizona. In one photo he posted he appears to back the Libertarian Party, which upholds people's freedom of choice and liberty as a core principle. Davison is said to have killed a five-year-old girl, two women and two men with more victims injured. The mass shooting is the first in Britain carrid out by an 'active gunman' for 11 years. See story...

Gunman Jake Davison, 23, who murdered five people before shooting himself dead in Plymouth yesterday posted a video on Youtube just three weeks ago where he said “as an adult” he’d lost his “optimism for life.”

“Maybe it’s just depression, maybe I’m going through some health issues.

“There’s something special about being young. I don’t know what it is? – you have that drive and optimism for life and as an adult you don’t have that – Love as an adult, what is that?”

He revealed himself to be a loner and a virgin who hadn’t spoken to a girl since he was 18.

“I’m still in the same position, same period of life – still a f***ing this-that, virgin, f***ing fat, ugly whatever you want to call it. What’s changed? Nothing.”

Davison was an apprentice crane operator who is reported to have kicked down the door of a house in Biddick Drive and began shooting at people inside, which included a member of his family. One witness said she heard he had shot his brother.

Armed with a long-barrelled gun and dressed in black and grey clothing he then left the property and began shooting at strangers as he walked along the cul-de-sac before killing another person in Henderson Place. He continued his rampage entering a nearby park where he opened fire on two dog walkers. Police said the shootings were not terror related.

Davison was a keen bodybuilder, who on his Facebook page states he worked at Babcock International, a British aerospace, defence and nuclear engineering services company based in London. He also stated he was single, lived in Plymouth and originates from Phoenix, Arizona.

In one photo he posted he appears to back the Libertarian Party, which upholds people’s freedom of choice and liberty as a core principle and he posted another photo showing the Lexington Minuteman, a life-size bronze figure of a colonial farmer brandishing a musket by Boston sculptor Henry H. Kitson.

Lexington Minuteman photo posted by Davison

Davison is said to have killed a three-year-old girl, two women and two men with more victims injured. The mass shooting is the first in Britain carried out by an ‘active gunman’ for 11 years.

On Youtube he liked Incel TV, following the Incel Movement, an online subculture to which multiple mass murders and hate crimes against women have been attributed.

Incels believe they will never find a partner to receive love, gain acceptance or validation. They feel worthless due to feeling rejected by women.

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