Police Constable Tasia Stephens, 24, of the South Wales Police Force, faces the sack after being convicted of drink-driving which resulted in a crash after allegedly attending a boozy house party during lockdown.
She faces a misconduct hearing in Bridgend on Monday morning and is accused of attending a family event in April last year while off duty when the UK was under strict coronavirus restrictions. Pc Stephens was convicted of drink-driving for failing a breath test after crashing into a house following the party. South Wales Police posted a notice on their website outlining the details of the drink driving, the alleged misconduct and breach of Welsh Government lockdown rules.
The notice reads: “It is alleged that PC Tasia Stephens, when off duty, on the night of 25/26 April 2020, breached Welsh Government lockdown restrictions by attending a family house party.
“That on the same night she then drove when unfit to do so, colliding her car with a building. Having failed a breathalyser test that night, the officer was subsequently convicted in the Magistrates Court of driving a motor vehicle when over the prescribed limit.
“It is alleged that breaking Welsh Government lockdown restrictions, driving when unfit, and being convicted of such an offence breaches the Standards of Professional Behaviour in relation to Discreditable Conduct and if proven the breaches whether taken individually or cumulatively amount to Gross Misconduct that is so serious as to justify dismissal.
“Due to the current circumstances of the COVID 19 pandemic, members of the public may not attend the hearing.”
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