PIC SHOWS: Example of a large Great White shark similar to the one believed to have killed Francisco Javier Solorio Jr, 39, from Orcutt, Santa Barbara, who was pronounced dead yesterday after being bitten by a large shark while surfing off Surf Beach near Lompoc, California. A friend pulled him onto the sand and started CPR while another surfer called 911 but he was pronounced dead at the beach, which is about 60 miles northwest of Santa Barbara, California, on Vandenberg Air Force Base. He was "bitten by the shark in the upper torso area" which is thought to have been a large Great White. His surf board had a large chunk bitten out of it. Experts are studying the bitten board to establish the exact type of shark involved. Surf beach has been closed until further notice and the public have been told not to go in the water "due to safety concerns." In October 2010 19-year-old college student Lucas Ransom was killed in a shark attack off Surf Beach when his bodyboard disappeared under the water about 100 yards offshore, In 2008 a shark bit a surfer's board in the waters off the beach. Lt. Erik Raney of Santa Maria sheriff's department said: " We've had shark sightings up and down the Santa Barbara coastline pretty frequently recently."
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Local swimmer eaten by 4-5 metre great white shark at Buchan Point near Sydney’s Little Bay Beach just after 4.30pm Wednesday
Video source: Facebook
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