Female Cambridge professor strips naked on BBC Radio 4 to debate Brexit


Dr Victoria Bateman challenges Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg to naked Brexit debate

Cambridge economics professor Dr Victoria Bateman strips naked to debate Brexit on the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 this morning, hosted by John Humphrys and challenges Brexiteer Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg to a naked debate so that they can ‘air their views’.

Dr Bateman campaigns against Brexit naked because she says it will leave the UK economy “exposed.”

She sat down in front of John Humphrys and took off an overcoat to reveal her naked body today with the words “Brexit Leaves Britain Naked” written across her chest.

She said she had three good reasons for debating against Brexit naked. One being it leaves the economy exposed, two because Brexit “reveals” anti-immigration sentiment “that we should be very much worried about in our society” and thirdly because it exposes “past government failures that have left people feeling they have nothing to fear from Brexit because they have nothing at all.

Brexit is the emporer’s new clothes,” she argued, ‘a project that cannot possibly do what it promises’.

She then went on to challenge Jacob Rees-Mogg to strip off and debate the issue with her on the radio.

” I invite Jacob Rees-Mogg to a naked debate with me. We will see, we will get to the roots of this issue.”

John Humphrys was rather sceptical about the potential spectacle and responded: ” Whether seeing Jacob Rees-Mogg naked will solve it – I think I should make no comment on that.”

It’s now up to the arch Brexiteer to decide whether he wants to expose himself to this Brexit challenge.


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