A 14-year-old boy is arrested for the Handsworth ambush murder of 15-year-old Keon Lincoln

Enterprise News and Pictures 22/1/21 Pic shows: Keon Lincoln, 15, who was murdered in a brutal gang ambush in Handsworth in Birmingham yesterday after being attacked with weapons with reports that he was also shot. A 14-year-old boy was arrested this morning on suspicion of murder and is currently in custody as detectives continue their hunt for others involved. Keon died in hospital after being attacked with weapons on Linwood Road just after 3.30pm, said West Midlands Police. Keon's family have paid tribute to him, saying, "It is with profound grief that we announce the passing of our beloved Keon, who was senselessly taken from us on Thursday 21st January. "Keon was a fun loving 15-year-old who was full of life and love for his family and friends. He had an infectious laugh that lit up the room whenever he was in it. "The family is grateful for the kind support from everyone. We seek the public assistance from everyone. We seek the public assistance in sharing any information that will help the police bring justice for Keon and closure for his family. Again we thank you for your support and kindly ask us for privacy as we grieve this devastating loss." Homicide team Detective Chief Inspector Alastair Orencas, said: “The death of Keon has shocked the whole community and we have increased our patrols in the area. “We are determined to apprehend those responsible for his death and bring them to justice, so I would personally appeal to anyone who is withholding information out of misguided loyalty to the offenders, to come forward. A teenage boy has died in the most violent of circumstances and we urge you to give us any information you have.” West Midlands Police can be contacted via Live Chat on their website or by calling 101. Information can be given via the dedicated portal or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Chief Supt Steve Graham said that five or six

A 14-year-old boy was arrested this morning on suspicion of murdering 15-year-old Keon Lincoln, 15, who was attacked with weapons and ‘shot at’ in a brutal gang ambush in Handsworth in Birmingham yesterday.

The detained teenager remains in custody as detectives continue their hunt for other people involved.

Keon died in hospital after being attacked with weapons on Linwood Road at just after 3.30pm, West Midlands Police revealed.

Keon’s family have paid tribute to him, saying: “It is with profound grief that we announce the passing of our beloved Keon, who was senselessly taken from us on Thursday 21st January.

“Keon was a fun loving 15-year-old who was full of life and love for his family and friends. He had an infectious laugh that lit up the room whenever he was in it.

“The family is grateful for the kind support from everyone. We seek the public assistance from everyone. We seek the public assistance in sharing any information that will help the police bring justice for Keon and closure for his family. Again we thank you for your support and kindly ask us for privacy as we grieve this devastating loss.”

Homicide team Detective Chief Inspector Alastair Orencas, said: “The death of Keon has shocked the whole community and we have increased our patrols in the area.

“We are determined to apprehend those responsible for his death and bring them to justice, so I would personally appeal to anyone who is withholding information out of misguided loyalty to the offenders, to come forward. A teenage boy has died in the most violent of circumstances and we urge you to give us any information you have.”

West Midlands Police can be contacted via Live Chat on their website or by calling 101. Information can be given via their dedicated portal or anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Five or six youths were believed to have been involved in the attack, according to Chief Superintendent Steve Graham.

“We are not sure of all the details at the moment, but we do know that Keon was set upon by this group and suffered a series of serious injuries,” he said.

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