Enterprise News and Pictures 11/9/20
Pic shows: Covid-19 whistleblower Dr Li Meng-Yan appears from a secret location in the United States on ITV's Loose Women programme this afternoon insisting the coronavirus was made in a Chinese military laboratory. She also said proof of her claim will be published to the world within days using genome sequencing. When asked for a brief world exclusive preview of what the soon-to-be published evidence will be, by The Sun columnist and Loose Women presenter Jane Moore (shown here), Dr Meng-Yan said: "The genome sequence is like a human fingerprint. So based on this you can recognise, identify thse things. I use the evidence which exists in the genom sequence."
She added that this will show it has "come from the lab in China, why they are the only ones who made it. And also everyone who even have no biology knowledge, you can read it and you can check and identify, verify by yourself. This is the critical thing for us, to know the origins of the virus. If not, we cannot overcome it. It will be life threatening for everyone in our life".
China have denied that the outbreak of the virus originated in the lab, as she suggests, stating the World Health Organisation have stated multiple times there is no evidence the new coronavirus was created in a laboratory. Dr Meng-Yan's claim has also been dismissed by the US National Intelligence Office.
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Covid-19 whistleblower Dr Li Meng-Yan appeared from a secret location in the United States on ITV’s Loose Women programme this afternoon insisting the coronavirus was made in a Chinese military laboratory. She also said proof of her claim will be published to the world within days using genome sequencing.
When asked for a brief world exclusive preview of what the soon-to-be published evidence will be, by The Sun columnist and Loose Women presenter Jane Moore, Dr Meng-Yan said: “The genome sequence is like a human fingerprint. So based on this you can recognise, identify these things. I use the evidence which exists in the genome sequence”.
She added that this will show it has “come from the lab in China, why they are the only ones who made it. And also everyone who even have no biology knowledge, you can read it and you can check and identify, verify by yourself. This is the critical thing for us, to know the origins of the virus. If not, we cannot overcome it. It will be life threatening for everyone in our life”.
China have denied that the outbreak of the virus originated in the lab, as she suggests, stating the World Health Organisation have stated multiple times there is no evidence the new coronavirus was created in a laboratory.
Dr Meng-Yan’s claim has also been dismissed by the US National Intelligence Office.
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